Listen to this episode of my podcast here:
I recorded this episode in March 2022. Here is the transcript:
For my next activity we will focus on planting seeds. I love doing this activity for Spring!
What you will need:
-paper cups
--egg carton or flower pots
-spoons or small shovels
Language goals: Actions & Sequencing
Actions: To focus on actions, you can describe the different actions and model the action that are needed to plant seeds. Some of these actions include digging, pouring, scooping, pinching, dropping, and watering.
Like in my previous episodes, you can do this by modeling 1-4 word utterances with the action and repeating. For example "I am digging. I am digging. You are also digging". To work on following directions with actions, you can tell your child what to do. If they need help, either model it for them or assist them by taking their hands and showing them.
Sequencing: To work on sequencing, you can point out what you need to do before you start. For example "first, we need to put soil in our cup. Next, we need to put the seeds in. Last, we need to water". As you go along, you can ask your child what should happen next. At the end. You can go over the different steps you did. Sequencing helps us formulating narratives. By the age of 5, understanding a 3 step sequence should be mastered
If you need a visual for this activity, please click here:
Thank you for your time. Have a wonderful day. Take care, stay well. Have fun