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Valentines Day Craft-Heart Stamp With Cardboard Rolls


Listen to this episode of my podcast here: Apple Spotify Google Podcasts Anchor I recorded this episode in February 2022. Here is the transcript: With Valentines Day approaching, I thought I could give a really simple valentines day activity. We will be making heart shaped stamps.

What you will need:

-Cardboard roll from paper towels or toilet paper



If you would like more than one stamp, cut the cardboard roll in half. If you are using a paper towel roll, you can cut into quarters. After cutting the roll, hold the cardboard roll with both hands. Gently push down on top with your fingers until it caves in. That's it, you have your heart stamp. Repeat if you want to make more.

Language Goals: Colors, Counting, Plurals, Shapes, Spatial Concepts

Colors & Counting: To practice colors, use different paints. Mix the colors and point out the colors that are made. Have your child count how many hearts they stamped or practice counting with your child as they stamp.

Shapes & Plurals : If you have more than one roll or you cut them up, leave one a circle. You and your child can make different patterns with the shapes and colors. Talk about which stamps are the same and which are different. While you are doing this, you can emphasize and model plurals. For example. "Tell me which hearts are the same? Which ones are different?" See if your child describes the hearts using plurals. Typically, plurals are acquired by the age of 3. You can also test this by setting up the opportunity to facilitate plurals. For example, You can say "I see one red heart here" point to that one heart. and then point to a group or point to more than one red heart and finish it with "and over here there are more red " and pause to see if your child will fill in the blank with with "hearts". So, to put this all together, it would sound like " I see one red heart here and over here there are more red..." wait only about 3-5 seconds then model it if your child doesn't respond. It may be tricky to get to this point. If you don't, no worries. Just continue to model it!

Spatial Concepts: To practice spatial concepts, you can describe where your child is putting the stamps. For example "I see you put the pink heart NEXT TO the red heart". You can do this with the concepts on, under, over, beside, above, and below.

After you are done, hang that piece of art up or you can make it into a valentine. You can have your child practice writing their name. If your child need helps, write it out for them and have then trace their name.

You can also use this activity to trace letters, other shapes, or their name by stamping it out with the heart stamps. Just make sure when you draw the shape or write the letters, they are big enough to be traced.

If you need a visual for this activity, please click on my Pinterest link:

Thank you for your time. Take care, stay well. Have fun


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